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We turn whisky curiosity into enthusiastic appreciation by sharing our whisky know-how with light-hearted fanaticism.
We love to convert the doubters, encourage the novices, and inspire the curious.
We will challenge perceptions & bring new and different perspectives.
We will open your eyes to the great, big, exciting world of whisky.
No pomp and ceremony, just a great big love of whisky.

Copperedwrench is the product of many years of exploring whisky, writing about whisky,

talking about whisky, and running some very successful social media pages – about whisky

(and maybe a little bit of drinking whisky!)

Self-taught whisky fanatics, we are driven by an obsession to break convention,

bust the myths and shake off the elitist baggage.

We are driven by a simple love of whisky - with its never-ending sense of discovery

and a generous spirit to share our knowledge.

"Freedom an' whisky gang thegither"

Robert Burns

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